Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Phonics Reading Program: Copywork for Steps 1-25

Step One

at         cat       hat
sad       mad     bad
dad      had      bag

Max had a fat cat.

Step Two

am       an        man
Dan     can       jam
fan       ran       pan

Ann can pat a cat.
Sam ran at a van.

Step Three

dog      mom    Tom
on        top       got
hot       not       pot

Bob can not sob.
A dog sat on a log.

Step Four

mud     bug      fun
run       sun       cup
up        but       cut

Sam got up, but Ann had not.
Dan can not cut a bun.

Step Five

pass     off       can
but       got       up
had      on        an
am       top       at

Can Ann pass Tom?
Tom got off a bus.

Step Six

sell       well     yell
get       let        met
pet       wet      yet
less      mess    Jen

Can Ed sell the hen?
The men ran well.
Can we get wet?

Step Seven

did       hid       kid
big       sit        quit
will      Jim       Tim
in         win      it

Did Jim win it?
Will Tim quit it?

Step Eight

Jack     and      last
spell     went    kick
frog     clock    lost
jump    just      must

Jack lost his flag, so he must run fast.
Brad just left the pond.

Step Nine

make    take     came
same    Jane     late
bike     like      Mike
nine     woke   home

Can Jane make Mike take the bike home?
Was Jake rude to the man at the lake?

Step Ten

won’t   then     this
I’ll       what    when
nice      put       good
you      too       by

My hut is made. I can sit next to it.
My home is nice. I will sit beside it.
My home is made. It was not fast, and it was hard to make. I must go to bed.

Step Eleven

there    where  why
with     that      didn’t
then     I’ll       see
eat       rain      may

God made the sun and the moon. They were good.
God made the rocks and clay and rain. They were good, too.

Step Twelve

all        could   would
let’s     don’t   that’s
there’s we’ll    I’ll
eat       see       by

I’ll steal from the rich, and give to the poor!
Robin Hood shot his arrows well.
Maid Marion did not want to be King John’s wife, even if she got to be queen.

Step Thirteen

have                 give                 some
someone          something        again
said                  saw                  look
right                 lie                    road

She had rose buds in her hair and on her dress, and she was a sight to see.
Lancelot was a brave knight.
Back then, knights did not ride in carts.

Step Fourteen

what’s know   very
good    love     people
sight    my       road
low      blue     moon

Below the castle was a maze.
Then I will go with them!
Ariadne went back to Athens in a boat.

Step Fifteen

only                 wouldn’t         onto
maybe              it’s                   glue
boot                 beast                night
truck                by                    day

Sue grew up in a castle.
Sue used the loom.
Drew had his own tools.

Roses are red. Violets are blue.

Step Sixteen

come                say                   everyone
been                 into                  should
tie                    wait                 braid
drive                tree                  few

The Goddesses made a trip to Troy.
Athena was wise and true.
The Greeks had a good trick.

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.

Step Seventeen

down               now                 once
upon                people              come
everything       couldn’t           he’d
I’m                  these                their

The ship began to chase them.
This sea belongs to Rome!
I couldn’t chew the meat!

Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.

Step Eighteen

wan     knew   here
which  none    against
choke   chip     sheep
ship      then     thin

Jonah did not wish to teach the people of Nineveh about God.
Jonah got on a ship for Tarshish.
Are you sorry for the shrub?

She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household.

Step Nineteen

after     over     become
always away    soon
groan   try        saw
paw     lion      mouse

The mouse gnawed at the net until the ropes broke and the lion was free.

God wrote the law on their hearts.
I never saw a moor; I never saw the sea.
A wind went with their paws.

Step Twenty

house   other    great
cannot girl       two
out       fawn    ship
knew   boy      coin

Joyful! Joyful! Sparks from Heaven!
Joy to the world! the Lord is come.
Join in with the jubilee!
Fun is a good thing but only when it spoils nothing better.

Step Twenty-One

walk                little                 every
gone                became            out
cow                 how                 town
enjoy               point                saw

Nibble, nibble, like a mouse:
Who’s that nibbling on my house?

I’m a little teapot, short and stout.
Here is my handle, and here is my spout.
When I get all steamed up, hear me shout:
“Tip me over and pour me out!”

Step Twenty-Two

call       old       bring
along   hadn’t  they’re
she’s    who’s  through
does     woman            put

Little Red Riding Hood walked through the woods.
The wolf hid behind a bush.

Polly, put the kettle on.
Sookie, take it off again.

Step Twenty-Three

year                 hear                 first
beautiful          read                 ready
king                 watch              told
many               four                 door

Arthur took the sword from the stone.
Poor Sir Kay did not get to be king.

Little Boy Blue, go blow your horn:
The sheep’s in the meadow; the cow’s in the corn.

Step Twenty-Four

about               castle               listen
anyone             friend              whole
enough            put                   foot
her                   fur                   stir

The birds gave their feathers to Daedalus.
Icarus’s skin began to burn.

Listen! The cat purrs if you pet her fur.
Sir Kay lived in King Arthur’s castle.

Step Twenty-Five

while               thing                another
somebody        any                  roar
girl                   hurt                  germ
harm                art                    store

The huntsman did not want to do Snow White any harm.
Snow slept with her head on one bed and her feet on another.

She walked among us for a while,
And brought joy where she went.
We thought she was a gift from God
But learned she was but lent.

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