Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lesson 23 Reading: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Goldilocks and the Three Bears
For use after Lesson 23.

Sight Words to Know
once, one, of, from, come, to, who, onto
they, their
there, very
her, for, girl, were, our
when, know
let's, I'll
live, gone
the, was, what, walk, all, could, said, been

Sight or Common Words Child Should Be Becoming Familiar With
small, also

Words above Instructional Level (Context, Parent)
papa, mama
inside, window, herself, biggest, asleep, bedroom, broken
middle-sized, porridge, breakfast, water, enough, curious, picture, littlest, minute, armchair
bear, drink, hair, chair, stairs, door
morning, crying, walking, starting, eating, sitting, lying
baby, hungry, sleepy, badly, table
cold, golden, Goldilocks
rough, hey

            Once upon a time three bears lived in a little house in the woods.
            Papa Bear was very big.
            Mama Bear was middle-sized.
            Baby Bear was very small.
            One day Mama Bear made porridge for breakfast. Papa Bear took a bite. Then he took a drink of water.
            “This porridge is too hot!”
            Mama took a bite too. “This porridge is too hot!”
            Then Baby Bear took a bite. “Ow! Waaah!”
            “I know,” said Mama, when Baby Bear had stopped crying. “Let’s go on a walk. When we come back, the porridge will be cool enough to eat.” So they put on their coats and off they went.
            Now that morning there was a little girl who was also walking in the woods. Her name was Goldilocks, because her hair was golden. She had not gone far when she saw the three bears’ house. Goldilocks was a very curious girl, and when she saw the little house she wanted badly to go inside.
            “What a strange house!” she said. “Who could live there?” The door mat had paw prints on it, and she could see through the window a picture of lots and lots of bears. She knocked, but no one came to the door. So Goldilocks let herself in.
            On the table were three bowls of porridge. First Goldilocks went to the big bowl.
            “Ouch!” she said. “This porridge is too hot.”
            Then she took a bite from the middle bowl.
            “Yuck! This porridge is too cold.”
            So she went to the littlest bowl and picked up the spoon.
            “This porridge is just right.” And she ate it all up.
            By then Goldilocks was starting to get sleepy. “I’ll just sit down for a minute,” she said. She went to the biggest chair, but she slid right back off.
            “This chair is too smooth,” she said. So she tried the middle chair, but it scratched her skin.
            “This chair is too rough.” She sat down in the littlest chair.
            “Ah! This chair is just right.” But as soon as she said it, the chair legs broke and down she fell.
            Still sleepy, Goldilocks went up the stairs. In the bedroom were three beds. She pulled herself onto the biggest bed.
            “This bed is too hard!” she said, and got down. She tried the middle bed.
            “This bed is too soft!” And so she tried the littlest bed.
            “This bed is just right!” she said, and she fell fast asleep.
            Soon the three bears came back from their walk, very hungry. Papa Bear looked at his bowl of porridge.
            “Someone’s been eating from my bowl!” he cried.
            “Someone’s been eating from my bowl!” said Mama Bear.
            “Someone’s been eating from my bowl,” said Baby Bear, “and it’s ALL GONE!” Papa Bear went to sit in his big armchair to rest.
            “Hey! Someone’s been sitting in my chair!” he said.
            “Someone’s been sitting in my chair!” said Mama Bear.
            “Someone’s been sitting in my chair,” said Baby Bear, “and it’s BROKEN!”
            “Well, we can go rest on our beds,” said Mama Bear. So the three bears went up the stairs.
            “Someone’s been lying in my bed!” shouted Papa Bear at the top.
            “Someone’s been lying in my bed!” said Mama Bear.
            “Someone’s been lying in my bed,” cried Baby Bear, “and she’s STILL THERE!”

            With that, Goldilocks woke up. She cried out and ran down the stairs, and the three bears never saw her again.

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