Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lesson 18 Reading: Jonah and the Fish

Jonah and the Fish
For use after Lesson 18.

Sight Words to Know
to, the, from, who, into, of, done, one, once
there, very, where
was, as
could, should, would
are, were
you, all, have, for, far, they, their
come, someone

Sight or Common Words Child Should Be Becoming Familiar With
know, knew
want, here, down

Words above Instructional Level (From Context, Parent)
Point out what a child knows about the word; briefly explain rules he doesn’t know yet.
find, storm, full, choice, mouth, worm
thing, think, sure
amaze (2 syllables, but otherwise mastered)
about, future, deserve, suffer, Tarshish, sailor, belly, after, sorry, forgave, angry, pity

            Once there was a man named Jonah. He went from place to place to tell people about God. With God’s help, he could even tell the future! But then one day things changed.
            “Jonah,” said God, “I want you to go to Nineveh. The people there are very wicked. They do not know about Me.”
            “Nineveh!” said Jonah. “I can’t go to Nineveh!”
            “You must go to Nineveh,” said God. “If no one tells the Ninevites about me, they will stay wicked. And then I will put an end to Nineveh. But I want them to have a chance to change.”
            “You should put an end to Nineveh!” said Jonah. “The people of Nineveh don’t deserve a chance. You should kill them all now.”
            “Jonah, go to Nineveh to preach,” said God. “Teach the people about Me.”
            But Jonah did not wish to teach the people of Nineveh about God. He wanted them to suffer for their wicked ways. So he got on a ship for Tarshish, which was far away. God would not find him in Tarshish. The sun shone and the sea was smooth, and Jonah was sure that he could get away from God.
            But as soon as the ship was away from land, a big storm blew up. The ship pitched and the sea frothed. It seemed sure that the ship would be lost.
            “Who did this?” cried the sailors. “Someone here is bad luck!” Jonah was afraid. If the sailors knew it was him, they would throw him off the ship into the sea. So he hid.
            But the sailors cast lots, and they showed that it was Jonah that had made the storm come. Jonah was full of shame. “God is angry with me,” he said. “Throw me into the sea, and then you will be safe.”
            The sailors did not want to throw Jonah into the sea. But at last they had no choice. They tossed him in, and the waves stopped right away. They were amazed, and they prayed to Jonah’s god.
            Jonah fell deep into the sea, and soon a huge fish came and ate him up. But in the fish’s belly, Jonah prayed to God. Once he saw light at the fish’s mouth, and he was glad in spite of where he was. Then after three days God made the fish swim to the coast and spit him on the sand.
            “Go to Nineveh,” God said. “Tell the people there about Me.”
            This time Jonah went to Nineveh to teach. When he spoke about God, the people were sorry for their wicked ways. They wore sackcloth and ashes and prayed to God, and God forgave them.
            When Jonah was done in Nineveh, he went away, angry. He still did not think that God should have saved Nineveh. The sun beat down on him, so God made a shrub grow up to shade him. Jonah sat by it in the cool and blessed the plant. But that night, God made a worm eat its roots, and it died. Jonah was very sad and angry.
            “Are you sorry for the shrub?” asked God.
            “Yes,” said Jonah. “I wish to die.”

            “You have pity for this plant,” said God, “which grew in one night and died the next. But you have no pity for Nineveh, where there were 120,000 people who did not know right and wrong?”

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