Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lesson 11 Reading: Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve
For use after Lesson 11.

Sight Words to Know
I, we, be, he, she, no, so, by, hi, too
as, his, is, was
to, the, from, one
are, were
for, her
they, you

Sight or Common Words Child Should Be Becoming Familiar With
there, where, why
with, then, that
I’ll, didn’t

Words above Instructional Level (From Context, Parent)
Point out what a child knows about the word; briefly explain rules he doesn’t know yet.
all, call
have, live
now, hard, bird, good, want
die, fruit
see, sleep, eat, tree (long ‘e’ words to be studied next)
away, alone, Adam (two syllables, but other skills down)

God made the sun and the moon. They were good.

God made the rocks and clay and rain. They were good, too.

God made plants, and they were good as well.

God made birds and fish. He made dogs and cats and pigs. They were all good.

Then God made man. He made him from clay. His name was Adam.

Adam was glad he was made. He gave names to the birds and the fish and the dogs and the cats and the pigs.

Adam: You are a snail. You are a jay.

But Adam was alone. There was a snail to play with the snail. There was a jay to play with the jay. But there was no one for Adam to be with.

God: It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a good help for him.

Then God made Adam lay down. Adam went to sleep, and God got one of his ribs. He made a woman from the rib.

Adam woke up. Adam was glad to see the woman. He gave her a name, too.

Adam: Hi! I’ll call you Eve.

So Adam and Eve were glad. They had fun. They played in the trees. They ate fruit from the trees, too.

God: You may eat from the trees. But do not eat the fruit from that tree. If you eat from that tree, you will die.

But there was a snake with bad aims. One day Eve was alone, and the snake lay in wait.

Snake: Hi, Eve. That tree has good fruit.
Eve: I can not.
Snake: But didn’t God say that you may eat from the trees?
Eve: We may eat from the trees, but not that tree. If we eat from that tree, we will die.
Snake: You will not die. If you eat from that tree, you will gain a brain. You will be wise.

Eve did see that the fruit was good to eat, and so she ate. Then she gave it to Adam, and he ate too.

Then God came by. Adam and Eve hid.

God: Where are you?
Adam: We hid.
God: Why did you hide? Did you eat from that tree?
Adam: It was Eve! Eve gave me the fruit.
Eve: It was the snake! He made me eat!

God: Since you did that, snake, you will have no legs. You will be like one big tail.

So the snake lost its legs.

God: Since you ate, Eve, you will have a lot of pain. You will hate snakes, and snakes will hate you. And since you ate too, Adam, it will be hard to eat. You will get grain from the clay with a lot of pain. You must go away, Adam and Eve. You can not live with me now. But you can still pray to me.

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