Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lesson 12 Reading: Robin Hood

Robin Hood
For use after Lesson 12.

Sight Words to Know
so, no, she
his, was
of, the, from, one
to, who
they, her
then, that, with

Sight or Common Words Child Should Be Becoming Familiar With
I’ll, all
could, would

Words above Instructional Level (From Context, Parent)
Point out what a child knows about the word; briefly explain rules he doesn’t know yet.
live, give
tree, dress
shot, throne
rich, much
good, Hood
once, want, knew, most, love
now, food, poor, more
upon, afraid, even, began, away, greedy, Robin (2 syllables but otherwise can sound out)
king, stealing
people, woman, soldier, arrow, Richard, John, Marion

Once upon a time there was a man named John. He was a king. But he was a bad king. He stole the throne from a good king named Richard.

King John was mean. He made his soldiers steal from poor people. King John got more and more rich. But the people got more and more poor. No one liked King John much. A lot of the poor people had no food to eat at all. They were afraid.

People: We can not eat! We can not feed our children. We may all die!

The people had just one hope. His name was Robin Hood. Robin Hood was a nice man. He lived in the trees and dressed in green. He shot arrows so well that no one could beat him. And he wanted to help the people who had no food to eat.

Robin Hood: I’ll steal from the rich, and give to the poor!

Robin Hood began to steal. He stole from a lot of people who were mean and greedy. But he stole from King John the most. John was the most mean and greedy.

There was in the land a woman named Maid Marion. Maid Marion was a good woman, and Robin Hood loved her. But King John loved her too.

King John wanted Maid Marion to be his queen. But he wanted Robin Hood to stop stealing from him, too. So he came up with a plan.

King John: There will be a game! The one who is the best shot will win the game! Maid Marion will be his wife. That will be his prize.

King John had a brain. He knew that Robin Hood would play the game. And he knew that Robin Hood would win, since Robin Hood was the best shot of all.

So on the day of the game, Robin Hood dressed up so no one knew who he was. He shot his arrows well. And he did win the game.

King John: Good job! Now get him!

King John made his soldiers grab Robin Hood. He would kill him, there and then. But Robin Hood was nice, so Robin Hood had friends. Men ran from the trees and saved him from the king. Maid Marion ran away with them too. She did not want to be King John’s wife, even if she got to be queen.

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