Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Races of Men

A piece to illustrate the different races for young children. Someday I hope to add real illustrations. Here is a map:

The Black Men

The Black Men were the first men on earth.
Their children made their homes in Africa.
Some lived at the rocky southern coast.
Some dwelt just below the hot Sahara.
In between some hid in the wet forests…
…and some took over the long-rolling Savanna.
They were tall or short…
…with light brown to nearly black skin and curly hair.
They warred with the beasts of their continent…
…and drew yams from the soil.

Brown Men

The Brown Men moved out of Africa.
They followed the coast of Asia to the great islands of the Pacific.
Some filled Australia…
…and some went further East.
The ones who stayed in Asia knew the Yellow and White Men…
…but their brothers were alone for many years.
They hunted the creatures around them and gathered up food for themselves.
They spoke languages far removed from other men’s tongues…
…and made music alien to other men’s ears.

Yellow Men

The Yellow Men moved to the easternmost parts of Asia.
Their hair grew straight and black and their cheeks grew light.
They spoke in words like songs…
…and painted them onto scrolls.
They built high walls and grand palaces…
…and carved dragons out of stone.
They sold rice and silk and tea…
…and great empires rose up.

White Men

The White Men spread through western Asia and around the Mediterranean.
They covered the outjutting Europe and the burning north of Africa.
Their skin and eyes paled…
…and their hair grew red and gold.
They sailed the great sea between their lands…
…and built castles and cathedrals.
They drank the milk of cows…
…and tamed thundering horses.

Red Men

The Red Men covered the far-flung American continents.
They had the black straight hair and smooth skin of their Yellow brothers.
Some lived in the icy north, spearing the huge whales.
Some moved south and hunted deer and bison, and fed on corn and potatoes.
Where the sun burnt the clouds or the mountains tore them…
…they built cities.
They wore the skins of animals…
…and watched the heavens.

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